The figure below shows the Input section of the World Editor:
The first section, Command Entry, controls the behaviour of the command entry textbox:
Keep last typed command in command entry box, causes the entry box not to be cleared when you press ENTER. The command you have just sent will be kept and can be repeated just by pressing ENTER again. It will be selected, so you can start typing another command to erase it.
Echo sent commands in terminal window controls whether the commands that are sent to the MUD are also echoed to the MUD window.
Store commands between sessions controls whether the commands you type are saved when you quit and restored when you load the world again.
Never hide typed text is useful with a few servers that intend to do the command echoing themselves. The sympton is that all the text typed is displayed as black dots (as if it was a password). If this happens to you, enable this option and the text will be visible.
Number of commands to save in history specifies the number of commands that are saved and can be recalled with the arrow keys, with the button to the right of the entry box, or with command completion. If this is set to too high a number, KildClient will consume more memory.
Command separator allows you to
configure the token used to separate commands. By default it is
Use single-line input bar and Use multi-line input bar define the size of the input bar. If set to single-line, it will have only one line, and if you type more text than fits the width, the text will scroll horizontally. If, however, you select a multi-line input bar, the bar will have two or more lines, and text will wrap and be displayed in the next line. (Scroll-bars may be displayed if there is more text than fits.)
If set to multi-line, you can specify how many lines to reserve for the input bar, from two to ten.
Enable auto-completion controls whether the auto-completion feature (see Section 3.2, “Interacting with the MUD”) is enabled or not. However, auto-completion only works for single line input bars.
When auto-completion is enabled, you can specify after how many characters have been typed it will be activated. Just enter the number in the text box Activate auto-completion only after X characters have been entered.
Spell check typed text, if checked, enables the built-in spell checker. This spell checker works only with the multi-line input bar. If it is active, misspelled words are highlighted with a red line below them. Right-clicking on them pops up a menu with spelling suggestions. Select the language used for spelling from the list of available choices.
The Font section allows you to configure the font that is used in the command entry box. Click the button and a dialog will appear for you to select the font.
The Flood Prevention feature is also configured in this section. This feature is useful in MUDs that disconnect you if you type 20 equal commands in a row, or something like that. When you enable this feature, KildClient will count the number of repeated commands you send. When you try to send the same command for the 20th time, KildClient will send another command you specify before, thus breaking the chain of repeated commands.
To use this feature, make enable the check box Do not allow the same command to be sent X times in a row. Change X for the number of equal commands that will disconnect you.
The Send this command textbox specifies the command that will be sent to prevent too many equal commands to be seen by the MUD. It should be set to a harmless command, because it might be sent anytime.