Hi klerindias,
In case it's not clear, you are using the wrong window. In the KildClient menu, click on 'World > Edit', not 'Preferences > Edit default world'.
By the way, did you know that you can load plugins using KildClient commands? For example:
Code: Select all
To see if a plugin has loaded, you can use these commands:
Code: Select all
See the KildClient manual, section 13, for more information.
If JMud loads successfully, you will always see a message like this:
[ JMud v1.1.001 19 September 2013 - Copyright 2011-2013 A S Lewis ]
[ Type ';about' for licence information, ';help' for help ]
If JMud has not loaded, it's usually because you don't have the right Perl modules. Try starting KildClient from a terminal window: in Ubuntu, press CTRL + ALT + T to open the window, and then just type 'kildclient':
Any system error messages will appear in the terminal window; from there, you can work out what you are missing.
When I am installing KildClient/JMud on a new Ubuntu box, I use the following command to get all the Perl modules I need:
Code: Select all
sudo cpan install Gnome2::Wnck Locale::gettext JSON::XS Heap::Binomial Net::Telnet version File::HomeDir